星期四, 7月 16, 2015

齊澤克《抵抗就是投降 Resistance Is Surrender》中譯 (上) 【附原文】

中譯 : 何偉 Ho Wai(齊澤克學會)
校對 : 唐健 Kin Tong(齊澤克學會)

One of the clearest lessons of the last few decades is that capitalism is indestructible (不可摧毀的). Marx compared it to a vampire (吸血鬼), and one of the salient (突出的) points of comparison now appears to be that vampires always rise up again after being stabbed (刺傷) to death. Even Mao’s (毛澤東) attempt, in the Cultural Revolution, to wipe out (wipe out,掃除) the traces of capitalism, ended up in its triumphant (勝利的) return.

由近幾十年的歷史當中,我們所學到的其中一個最清晰的教訓是: 資本主義是不可摧毀的。馬克思將資本主義比作吸血鬼,而這個對比的其中一個要點(在現在[的觀點]看來)就是吸血鬼在被殺死後,它總是會再度崛起[復活並壯大]。即使是毛澤東在文化大革命[譯註1]的嘗試──掃除資本主義的痕跡,但最終資本主義還是凱旋歸來。

Today’s Left reacts in a wide variety of ways to the hegemony (霸權) of global capitalism and its political supplement (補充物), liberal democracy. It might, for example, accept the hegemony, but continue to fight for reform (改革) within its rules (this is Third Way social democracy).

今天的左派以各式各樣的方式去回應資本主義(及其政治上的補充物 : 自由民主制[譯註2])的霸權。它[左派的抵抗]可以是,例如,接受霸權的存在,但在它的規則內為改革而戰(這就是社會民主的第三條路)。

Or, it accepts that the hegemony is here to stay, but should nonetheless be resisted from its ‘interstices (空隙)’.


Or, it accepts the futility (徒勞無功) of all struggle, since the hegemony is so all-encompassing (無所不包) that nothing can really be done except wait for an outburst (爆發) of ‘divine violence’– a revolutionary version of Heidegger’s (海德格)‘only God can save us.’


Or, it recognises the temporary futility of the struggle. In today’s triumph of global capitalism, the argument goes, true resistance is not possible, so all we can do till the revolutionary spirit of the global working class is renewed is defend what remains of the welfare state, confronting (面對) those in power with demands we know they cannot fulfil (履行), and otherwise withdraw into cultural studies, where one can quietly pursue (追求) the work of criticism.


Or, it emphasises the fact that the problem is a more fundamental one, that global capitalism is ultimately an effect of the underlying principles of technology or ‘instrumental reason’.


Or, it posits (斷定) that one can undermine (削弱) global capitalism and state power, not by directly attacking them, but by refocusing the field of struggle on everyday practices, where one can ‘build a new world’; in this way, the foundations of the power of capital and the state will be gradually (漸漸地) undermined, and, at some point, the state will collapse (the exemplar of this approach is the Zapatista movement).


Or, it takes the ‘postmodern’ route, shifting the accent (語調) from anti-capitalist struggle to the multiple forms of politico-ideological struggle for hegemony, emphasising the importance of discursive re-articulation.


Or, it wagers that one can repeat at the postmodern level the classical Marxist gesture of enacting the ‘determinate negation’ of capitalism: with today’s rise of ‘cognitive work’, the contradiction between social production and capitalist relations has become starker than ever, rendering possible for the first time ‘absolute democracy’ (this would be Hardt and Negri’s position).

要麼,左翼認為人們可以在後現代層面上重覆經典的馬克思姿態──對資本主義執行的"被規定的否定" ['determinate negation' of capitalism] : 以今天"知性勞動"["cognitive work"]的興起,在社會生產[social production]跟資本主義生產關係[capitalist relations]之間的矛盾已經變得史無前例地清晰可見,使到"絕對民主"["absolute democracy"]首次變得可能(這會是Hardt及Negri的立場[譯註7][譯註8])

These positions are not presented as a way of avoiding some ‘true’ radical Left politics – what they are trying to get around is, indeed, the lack of such a position. This defeat of the Left is not the whole story of the last thirty years, however. There is another, no less surprising, lesson to be learned from the Chinese Communists’ presiding over arguably the most explosive development of capitalism in history, and from the growth of West European Third Way social democracy. It is, in short: we can do it better. In the UK, the Thatcher revolution was, at the time, chaotic and impulsive, marked (被‧‧‧標記) by unpredictable (不可預計) contingencies (突發事件). It was Tony Blair who was able to institutionalise it, or, in Hegel’s terms, to raise (what first appeared as) a contingency, a historical accident, into a necessity. Thatcher wasn’t a Thatcherite, she was merely herself; it was Blair (more than Major) who truly gave form to Thatcherism.

以上這些左翼位置不是被呈現為一種迴避"真正"激進左翼政治的方式──它們嘗試迴避的其實是這種激進立場的喪失[譯按:即在失去對廿世紀舊方案的信心的同時完全缺乏想像任何實質新方案的能力]。但是,左翼的失敗還不是過去三十年的故事的全部。另一邊存在另一種(沒有那麼令人驚奇的)教訓:中國共產黨主持的歷史上最急速的資本主義發展,以及西歐第三路的社會民主的壯大。簡單來說,這教訓就是 :[資本主義說:] 我們可以做得比你們更漂亮["we can do it better"][譯註9] 在英國,戴卓爾革命[Thatcher revolution]在當時是混亂及浮躁的,由不可預計的突發事件所標記。 是貝利雅(Tony Blair)制度化了它,或用黑格爾的字眼來說,將先以突發事件形式出現的一個歷史意外提升到一個必然性的地位。戴卓爾不是戴卓爾主著者[Thatcherite],她只是她自己;是貝利雅(而不是馬卓安 [John Major])才真正賦予了戴卓爾主義以形式。

《Resistance Is Surrender》原文連結 : http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/slavoj-zizek/resistance-is-surrender

譯註 :

[譯註1] 文化大革命原初目的是消滅資產階級,即是消滅資本主義的種子。

[譯註2] 資本主義(自由市場)作為經濟上的自由,而自由民主制作為政治權利上的自由,兩者皆是以自由為基礎。西方世界一直認為兩者是互相支持,互相帶動,例如第三世界進行資本主義發展的話,可以幫助當地的民主進程(當然新加坡已證明了這種連動不是必然)。

[譯註3] 神的暴力指一種終極大爆發,摧毀整個系統[資本主義]

[譯註4] 工具理性 : 韋伯的慨念,工具理性強調效率,我認為這裡的意思是一旦人們在追求利潤上追求效率,他們很快就會有意無意地以資本主義方式思考

[譯註5] 薩帕塔解放軍在94年成立,於墨西哥對政府進行武力抗爭以維護原住民利益,現在發展出屬於原住民自己的自治政府模式,教育,衛生及經濟體系,詳見《拉丁美洲農民與原住民運動發展分析》http://tao.wordpedia.com/detail_j.aspx?database_id=1&content_id=1489&volumn_id=298502&chapter_id=501437

[譯註6] 這是《霸權與社會主義策略》作者Laclau的路線

[譯註7] Hardt及Negri是《帝國》一書的作者,《帝國》@ 博客來 : http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010198531

[譯註8] 齊澤克對Negri的詳細評論,詳見他的作品《The Defense of Lost Causes》第350頁

[譯註9] "我們可以做得比你們更漂亮"表面上指"有左翼(中共,西歐第三條路,貝利雅)可以做改革做得比後現代左翼更漂亮",但實際上是諷刺那些左翼(中共,貝利雅)其實是右派/資本主義。