星期日, 3月 11, 2012




先讓我們直接了當地給 民粹 下一個清晰的定義吧,以便真正的公共辯論能夠展開,接著我們再討論孔誥烽「民粹、法西斯與納粹的系譜」一文對民粹主義的誤解:

1. 民粹主義是一種機制、一種通過生產外部「敵人」轉移社會內部矛盾、從而讓被虛擬化的「人民」崛起的機制,它具有轉移置換、專制、法西斯傾向、意識形態神秘化、去政治化和被中產操控等特徵。因此孔誥烽和安徒的「無固定內容」、「中性」或「可左可右」(註)這些「拉克勞民粹論」的觀點──透過推展「民粹理性」的定義和分析其理論構件──被齊澤克「反對民粹誘惑」(Against the Populist Temptation)一文逐一擊破。《論民粹理性》()





. . . . . . • Against the Populist Temptation •
. . . . . . . . . Slavoj Zizek

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The French and Dutch NO to the project of European constitution was a clear-cut case of what in the "French theory" is referred to as a floating signifier: a NO of confused, inconsistent, overdetermined meanings, a kind of container in which the defense of workers' rights coexists with racism, in which the blind reaction to a perceived threat and fear of change coexist with vague utopian hopes. We are told that the NO was really a NO to many other things: to the Anglo-Saxon neoliberalism, to Chirac and the present French government, to the influx of the immigrant workers from Poland who lower the wages of the French workers, etc.etc. The real struggle is going on now: the struggle for the meaning of this NO - who will appropriate it? Who - if anyone - will translate it into a coherent alternate political vision?

星期日, 3月 04, 2012



著有《作為方法的中國》、《中國的公與私》等震撼社會學和漢學界的杰作,歷史學家溝口雄三其中一個重要主題是:中國人在1949年選擇共產主義是基於長久深厚的平等主義傳統,而不是單純盲從西洋的馬克思主義;中華文明有其內在的歷史邏輯、內在脈博和獨特的主体性追求,即使強橫的西方現代性也無法中斷其動力在(早於鴉片戰爭的)近代波瀾壯闊地展開。 這種源自中國思想(例如孔教授提及的白蓮教正義論及歷史觀)與中國思想的實体(社會)兩者之間的差距及其辨證運動的歷史動力,最終將中國思想的傳統──包括宗法意識──轉化為 現代意識及其新內容──共產主義新中國──並在數千年間第一次實現了「人人平等」的理想。